Thursday, November 17, 2005


I almost forgot to mention that last night, I got a call from one of those automated political polls. I became really excited when I heard the first question: "How would you rate George Bush's job performance?" I've never participated in one of these kinds of polls before. I thought two of the questions were not very well thought out though. They asked, Do I work in 1) Government, 2) a non-profit 3) a private company 4) xxxxx etc. I chose option 3 only because they didn't give an option for a publicly traded company (technically, the only private companies are the ones which are not traded on the stock market). I thought they should have just said, "3) a for-profit corporation or company."

The other question I didn't like concerned my religious affiliation. The choices were: 1) christian including catholic 2) jewish 3) muslim 4) hindu 5) atheist 6) other. They never mentioned agnostic! The way I see it, there is little or no difference between an atheist and an agnostic, yet most of the agnostics I know feel there is a strong differences, and would never characterize themselves as athiests. I also happen to know many more people that call themselves agnostic than atheist. It seems very strange to me that they would drop the agnostic choice from the poll.

Lots of questions were asked about local politicains as well ("If the election were held for MD governor today, would you vote for Erlich or O'Malley?")

I can't wait to learn the poll results.

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