Friday, October 28, 2005


I watched a netflix movie last night called "Sideways". It was occasionally funny, but mostly just fucking depressing.

On a more positive note, I've torn out my natural-gas-firplace-in-faux-wood and replaced it with an actual wood grill for burning actual wood logs. I've used it twice now and its much more fun. Wood fires aren't terribly energy efficient but burnable wood is essentially free for me, unlike natural gas. As an added bonus, I sporadically catch whiffs of wood smoke in random areas of the house now, presumably from the leftover charcoal.

This post reminds me that I need to write another post on the virtues of biodiesel and how it may improve our social life.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Even Batman Forgets...

I stayed up late last night because a halloween episode of Batman was on the cartoon network last night. A vampire dude came on the scene who started biting the good people of Gotham (and Joker and Penguin too) which turned them into vampires (known as "the lost ones"), all under the mental control of leader-Vampire dude. Anyway, during all this mayhem, some reporter-hottie was trying to hook up a date with Bruce Wayne but she kept getting blown off because Batsy was too busy fighting crime. In the last few scenes, Batman determines that the way to beat this vampire and save Gotham was to use science to develop a medicine that would reverse the physical changes caused by vampirisim, allowing the lost ones to be resistant once again to immolation by sunlight. Bruce was up all night working on his drug and he got so wrapped up in his experiments that he totally spaced out on his dinner date with reporter-hottie.


Secrets are Frustrating

Work is a big part of my life. That's a good thing because I like my job most of the time. Its a bad thing sometimes because I often find myself wanting to write about what I'm doing lately in this blog or other places. This is a natural desire when one is excited about what they are doing. Unfortunately, most of the stuff I am doing is patentable, and I work for a corporation, so that means I can't say anything that may qualify as "public disclosure" until I get my shit together and submit the patent applications. I can only imgine how frustrating these kinds of things must be for people who have to hold thier secrets without the recourse of a patent. Top-security at the NSA or some shit must be a real bitch.


Life has been hard ever since Blogdex went down.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I totally want to try this stuff. I think it would be a good Halloween drink.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bored and Lonely Again

This morning when I was posting I felt like my head was overflowing with topics and ideas to write about. I almost always feel that way in the mornings. Often, in the morning, it takes a considerable amount of effort for me to break my concentration enough to get up and start the morning routine that concludes in my drive to work. Because of this, I often don't show up to work until after 9:30 AM or so. I feel a little guilty about this sometimes, technically speaking its a mildly deviant behavior, but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't feel any guilt as I almost always stay till at least 6, if not 7. I might be rationalizing when I say I might feel selfish about using my peak brain time for my own solipsistic pursuits.

Speaking of which, I was reminded by a friend of another one of my quirks recently. I've known this before but maybe its gotten worse lately. I have this habit of disengaging in conversations in the most abrupt way. I've always felt like the best way to disengage from a conversation was to flee from it, rather than to actually, to actually, uh... see? I don't even know how I'm supposed to end a conversation, all I know is that peoople have told me that I do it in a strangely terse way. I hope I haven't inadvertently pissed too many people off with this behavior. Maybe I have Asperger's syndrome-light?

But anyway, getting back to the point, I find myself now, after the workday, fairly tired and unable to remember any of the stuff I could barely resist writing about in the morning. I just don't have it in me. Which sucks because, yet again, my wife isn't home, so no cuddling or talking about our days. I haven't the where-with-all to shoot hoops or ride my bike or work-out... ecch. In writing this of course I've thought of a few errands I should do, so maybe that's my plan for the evening.

there's always an agenda

Apparently, said ex-girlfriends' recent communication had an agenda behind it. She wanted to send me the latest batch of cutsey baby pictures. How tedious of her.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I keep getting emails from my ex-girlfriends

Its not that I really mind so much, but now that I'm all grown up, I think I'd really rather not have any kind of relationship with these people. I never initiate contact with them, but from time to time, when they get in touch with me, I tend to ask the pointed questions, soley for the purpose of deriving a sick sort of schadenfreude in hearing about thier lives. The thing is, we all have hiccups in our lives, and honestly my life is really no better or worse than anyone else's.

I can feel the coffee in my brainpan producing a galaxy of concepts only vaguely related to this, but I should probably work on something that will get me paid instead.

Friday, October 14, 2005

My New Firearm...

...because as they taught us in hunter-safety class, you shouldn't call it a "weapon." So I've been wanting to do this a while now and even though I can't really afford it, I went ahead and pulled the trigger so to speak and picked up a Benelli M2, just like this: