Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stuff and Things

I can't say that I have anything particularly interesting to write about at the moment, but fortunately that's exactly how I want it to be right now. I finished the last of my edits on my thesis, and they were approved by my internal examiner. Now I just need to print the pages and ship them off to him and that's it. After that I basically sit back and wait for a package from the University with my diploma in it. I may go the extra mile and get a copy of my thesis printed for myself as well, but that is strictly for my own amusement. It is getting to be that time of year when I start thinking about spring cleaning and renovations and lawncare. Unfortunately, Chris has been around nights lately because she's currently busy with a solid week of dress rehearsals before her big opening of "Into the Woods" this weekend. I'm excited fo rher show but really lonely in the house. I've finished my thesis and haven't yet picked up a hobby or other distraction, so I've been spending my nights kinda just twiddling my thumbs all by myself.

I grew up an only child and I used to be really happy with being all by myself. I'm sure I lost that skill after a decade of living with my wife but even still, I'm surprised by my current boredom and loneliness. Ack, I sound so pathetic going on like this. Somebody invite me over for a game of chess or something just to shut me up!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dr. Casey, Ph. D.

I just finished, and my viva (British word for thesis defense) was successful. My thesis committee will recommend that the Trustees of the University of Hull grant me a Ph. D.

Sweet, eh?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Smarty Pants

Perhaps instead of defending my thesis next week, I can simply show my committee this blog post.

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