Thursday, October 27, 2005

Even Batman Forgets...

I stayed up late last night because a halloween episode of Batman was on the cartoon network last night. A vampire dude came on the scene who started biting the good people of Gotham (and Joker and Penguin too) which turned them into vampires (known as "the lost ones"), all under the mental control of leader-Vampire dude. Anyway, during all this mayhem, some reporter-hottie was trying to hook up a date with Bruce Wayne but she kept getting blown off because Batsy was too busy fighting crime. In the last few scenes, Batman determines that the way to beat this vampire and save Gotham was to use science to develop a medicine that would reverse the physical changes caused by vampirisim, allowing the lost ones to be resistant once again to immolation by sunlight. Bruce was up all night working on his drug and he got so wrapped up in his experiments that he totally spaced out on his dinner date with reporter-hottie.


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