Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bored and Lonely Again

This morning when I was posting I felt like my head was overflowing with topics and ideas to write about. I almost always feel that way in the mornings. Often, in the morning, it takes a considerable amount of effort for me to break my concentration enough to get up and start the morning routine that concludes in my drive to work. Because of this, I often don't show up to work until after 9:30 AM or so. I feel a little guilty about this sometimes, technically speaking its a mildly deviant behavior, but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't feel any guilt as I almost always stay till at least 6, if not 7. I might be rationalizing when I say I might feel selfish about using my peak brain time for my own solipsistic pursuits.

Speaking of which, I was reminded by a friend of another one of my quirks recently. I've known this before but maybe its gotten worse lately. I have this habit of disengaging in conversations in the most abrupt way. I've always felt like the best way to disengage from a conversation was to flee from it, rather than to actually, to actually, uh... see? I don't even know how I'm supposed to end a conversation, all I know is that peoople have told me that I do it in a strangely terse way. I hope I haven't inadvertently pissed too many people off with this behavior. Maybe I have Asperger's syndrome-light?

But anyway, getting back to the point, I find myself now, after the workday, fairly tired and unable to remember any of the stuff I could barely resist writing about in the morning. I just don't have it in me. Which sucks because, yet again, my wife isn't home, so no cuddling or talking about our days. I haven't the where-with-all to shoot hoops or ride my bike or work-out... ecch. In writing this of course I've thought of a few errands I should do, so maybe that's my plan for the evening.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Short version: I miss you Chris.