Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Free drugs! Highly addictive!

Occasionally, something happens that makes me quit drinking coffee cold turkey. Last Sunday it was the crazy heartburn I had all night after the 25 buffalo wings and the two natty bo's that prompted me to quit drinking coffee this time around. You might be right if you are thinking that I really ought to be swearing off wings and cheap beer. I see it differently. I get heartburn to varying degrees from eating almost anything these days (the beer-wings combination just being the worst for it). I also know that on the few days when I cut my coffee down from two cups to one, I get less heartburn from whatever food I might eat. I also know that when I'm on vacation (and therefore unstressed) I get zero heartburn. So the way I see it is, I can either take ratinidine daily, for the rest of my life, I can quit my job, or I can quit coffee.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no doubts that my quitting coffee will be a temporary phase (it always is). I mean, they give away coffee for free at work to keep me coming back to the place regularly, how could I say no? I just feel like its time for a little breather. I think it must have been more than five years ago since I last "quit" coffee. I'm due.

So ya, my last cup of coffee was around mid-day Sunday, and boy howdy do I feel like poop right now.


Anonymous said...

i took the taking tagemet almost daily to stop the stomach from tearing itself apart.

you actually might want to have that looked at man just to make sure it aint something more serious.

and yeah, beer and wings are worse for ya than coffee. :)

Casey said...

Ya. I have this free trial pack of Nexium I've decided to use. Its the only one that advertises an ability to heal esophageal lesions if taken daily for like 4 weeks. So I'm doing that too now. Except I only have a weeks worth, so I may need to find a doctor to write me a script for the purple pills.

freethoughtguy said...

Wow - your post has such great advice. I am quitting coffee and I hope to be at least as successful as you!