Monday, November 14, 2005

Hepatitis A

The list of diseases I currently have vaccine-derived immunity against:

measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, diptheria, influenza, typhoid, hepatitis B, yellow fever, and as of today, hepatitis A.

The last ones on my list to collect are: smallpox, herpes type-2, and anthrax. I really wish I didn't miss out on that smallpox vaccine just because I was born too late.


Anonymous said...

Betsey's father, the peditrician, had an idea based on empirical observation, that people who had their small pox vaccinations up to date didn't get cold sores. Does this make any sense from more than an empirical perspective.

I seem to remember getting my small pox vaccination boosted before moving to Hong Kong in 84
Papa Chuck

Casey said...

Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus (as are genital herpes and chicken pox, the latter is obviously a mis-named disease). Herpes viruses and pox viruses have no properties of cross-immunity as far as I know. However it is very common for different pox viruses to cause cross-immunity to other pox viruses. Also, I've heard that there is some cross immunity between cold-sore type herpes and genital herpes.