Sunday, November 13, 2005

Everyone should know this cold...

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!


Anonymous said...

I like these things. Shoot I got one wrong! That's terrible! It didn't tell me which one, dern it.

thanx for the link, it's good for me to stretch that brain way back...i love science and math, and I'm not afraid to say it, I don't care if it's nerdy I am a nerd and I like it cause that means I care about my brain.

btw I thought it was a hoot when you put those La Animators (hehe French) in their place with your scientist repetoire.

you 2 are the bomb (Caz and Chris)

Casey said...


One of my English-as-a-second language friends noticed that there are two typos in the quiz.

The answers for question 2 should read:

The cell wall
The nucleus
The chromosomes
The lysosomes

and I expect that question 6 should read:

What's the electric charge of a neutron?

I love the fact that most of my non-native English-speaking friends notice spelling and grammatical errors far better than I do.

Christine said...

6 out of 8 correct. I did better than I thought I would. YAY!! ME!!