Thursday, May 10, 2007

The coming weeks

This summer is turning out to be a busy one. Chris and I will be away at her sister's wedding in the Caymans this coming Friday through Monday, then on Tuesday through Thursday, I'll be tukey hunting. So there will be a decline in posting. That said, I've decided to give you Friday's Action Figure a little early. I bring you, Leonardo of the The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

It is at this point I would like to remind my fair readers that I am a 35 year old man. I am aware that most adults with a fondness for TMNT came to them via the animated cartoon series, which by most accounts aired at a period of time which would make most adult TMNT fans less than 30 years old. I however was a true leader in the feild of uber-geek fandom. You see, the animated cartoon was actually based on a poorly circulated, black and white comic book, distributed by what was then the flegdling company, Image comics, which would later grow to become the next biggest comic book outfit ever (after Marvel and DC). When I was 15 or so, I began to see value in collecting comic books, and so I did. I specificlaly only went after comic books that I thought were truly entertaining, but which also sold poorly. The comic-book version of TMNT was funny but also graphicly violent. The turtles themselves were believably bad-ass, unlike the vanilla shit-tarts they were presented as in the animated cartoon. You see, for the original creators, the whole joke was to make some characters who were more bad-ass and bloody than the reservoir dogs, but have them be some ridiculous animal. The joke worked on me. So, to this day I still have original, never-opened, first print editions of TMNT comics 1-10 as well as several of the spin-offs made along the way at that time. I rule.

1 comment:

Justin Codd said...

yes, you are truly a nerd. and now a certifiable nerd.