Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Belated Friday Action Figure

Spiderman 3 sucked ass. If you went into the movie knowing nothing about the Spiderman story, or about the origin of Sandman and especially Venom, you might think it was a fun and entertaining flick. After all, they are making a pile of money from it. However, as a long-time Spiderman fan, I was pissed. I would have been happy with the movie if they just introduced Sandman, and left it simple at that. I would have also been OK if they did a "fast-forward" episode, where most of Spiderman's enemies have already developed, and the movie then focuses on some big battle (perhaps even as the first installment of the "Secret Wars" story, leading up to the later introduction of Venom). But what they did instead was to mash together the origin of two of Spiderman's foe's, one of the very first and one of the very last, into a story line that makes no fucking sense at all. Twelve-trillion thumbs down. I hated this movie so much I am in a major thumb deficit. I will need to borrow thumbs from some of you people. I will need to hire the world's best economists to ward off spiraling thumb-flation.

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