Sunday, April 01, 2007

Into the Woods

Chris had her opening night performance of "Into the Woods" last Friday. Despite the blinding jabs of pain every deep breath would deliver, I soldiered on and attended anyway. She did a great job. My wife has the prettiest voice in the world. Seeing her perform makes all these lonely nights lately worth it. I'm also happy because I enjoy tradition, and thus far I have never missed one of my wife's opening nights. So, to any of you who read this blog but haven't yet picked a date to see Chris as Cinderella, send one of us an email to get reservation info.

1 comment:

Christine said...

awwww.. shucks. you're just saying that.

and for all of your readers out there -- casey gives the best constructive criticism. Sat. night my performance improved because of it. I'm hoping by the time my family/friends see me I'll be "the star!!" hehehe