Sunday, April 29, 2007

Idiocracy: for real for real

I first put the movie "Idiocracy" into my Netflix queue way back in September. Less than four weeks later, my friends all get back to me and start asking me what I thought of it. I'm all like, "Idiocracy, that's sounds familiar, why do you think I've seen it?" cuz like, I hadn't. Then I get all this heat about how I was the one who made such a big deal out of it they all put it right to the tippity top of there Netflix queue on my recommendation. For the record, I only recommended that ya'll add it to your queue, I said nothing about putting it to the top. For those of us with big queues (genetics) it apparently takes 7 months to see a movie that has been added, and that was even with some finagling to put it ahead in the line.

Anyway, I've finally seen it now, and it made me remember why the hell I was so excited to see it. It was awesome and even more entertaining than I expected. So, Joe, I seem to remember you saying you liked it too. And Spike you didn't like it? Anyway, I'm ready to have that conversation now, if anyone is still interested.


Anonymous said...

yeah i didnt like it. i found it unimaginative, badly wirtten and poorly acted. now this might be cause i prefer my distopias less comical and more bladerunnery, that might just be me.

Casey said...

Hm. I think maybe you were expecting too much. I mean, it was made by the guys who did "Office Space" and "Beavis and Butthead". As far as dystopian stories go, I guess I like them all, humorous or otherwise (I'm thinking, "Brazil").

Anonymous said...

Sheeeeeit. I know you didn't just try and compare that to Brazil... I fall between the tow of you on this. I didn't have Bladerunner on the brain but I _was_ expecting a bit more (Office Space was pretty strong)

All I know is that if Costco starts offering "Lattes" I'm down.