Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last Weekend

Last weekend I

-Went to the DC Auto Show
-Had to take a shit on the side of I-270, where I found what I thought were the remains of a human elbow
-Saw Pan's Labyrinth and was surprised to find the movie is in Spanish with English subtitles.


Anonymous said...

I can vouce for point 1.

Unfortunately, also for point 2.

I suppose I trust him on point 3.

But how far can you trust a person that intentionally tests biological agents on your actual digestive tract?

Yours in Christ,

Apropos Joe, now with more Brown

Justin Codd said...

Jon Stewart: "...because New Hampshire is..."

John Hodgman: "...a backwards place of seatbelt-hating weirdos?"

...and now apparently the breeding ground for spanish film-watching, carshow-attending, side-of-the-road-shitting weirdos.

No, for real, all men have had to make the voyage into the highway arboretum. It's a rite of passage for all who have lived in the I-95 corridor. Just remember the value of a sandwich bag-wrapped emergency roll of toilet paper stored in one's glove compartment. Otherwise, don't get emotionally attached to your socks.

Anonymous said...

If he had a roll of toilet paper he wouldn't have asked to use my arm hair.

Maybe I'll carry a sandwich bag-wrapped emergency roll of toilet paper for him?

Apropos Joe, now with more Brown

Justin Codd said...

One would keep an emergency roll, or partial roll, for oneself. However, the existence of an emergency roll on Saturday would have given Casey a bit more confidence in his voyage, and in turn less anxiety over the clean-up, thus enabling him to drop trou in full ease and comfort.