Saturday, March 18, 2006

Tom Cruise is a Jackass

For the moment, please ignore the fact that I have become a total celebrity gossip whore while you read this article from The Superficial about how Tom Cruise managed to get Wednesday's episode of South Park pulled off the air. This is the same episode that prompted another Scientologist hypocrite, Issac Hayes, aka "Chef" to quit the show after it made fun of other religions for years.

Now I should be clear, being non-religious, I'm no huge fan of South Park either, particularly since the episode where it was implied that "[people who don't practice religion] just go around spewing a bunch of crap out of their mouths." That same South Park episode ripped on Catholics pretty good too, but in the end the story they were telling settled on a view that there are good Catholics and bad Catholics, but all non-religious people just spew crap. Having said that though, I should elaborate and say that I'm no anti-religion zealot either. I simply believe very strongly in the simple rights and freedoms of religion and speech. Which brings me back to Scientology and Tom Cruise. South Park has a right to put on thier show and Tom cruise has a right to be a Scientologist. For some reason though, Tom Cruise is so threatened by parody he has to use his financial muscle to stop it. I suggest that everyone retaliate in kind against this asshole and take his "bankable" movie-star quality away by boycotting every movie he has ever made and will make. Don't go see Mission Impossible 3 this summer, don't rent War of the Worlds from Blockbuster or Netflicks, don't even dress up like his charater from Risky Business for Halloween.

Update: From

Update 2: Catch the South Park Scientology episode here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what? Screw Isaac Hayes. Over the years as Chef he has had no problem mocking 6 religions. If he can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.