Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Fox

This morning I started my routine the same way I always do. I get the kettle boiling, pour some water for my tea and oatmeal, put them on the arm of our living room easy chair (which faces the front glass doors) and sit down with the laptop to read the blogs and newspapers.

Just as I got settled in I lifted my head and looked out the glass doors to see one of our neighborhood foxes, trotting down the middle of our road, in front of my house. I jumped up to get a better look at him and caled Chris over too. The little canine trotted all the way down to the end of the cul-de-sac before he disappeared in some thickets.

I wish I had a camera in my hand at that moment. I've only seen the foxes around here in the dark hours of the morning. Its unusual to see them in daylight.

If I see him again, what should I name him?

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