Friday, March 24, 2006

Jamboree, Jamboring

The Jamboree is starting to wear a little thin on me. For some reason, I opted not to do my ususal jet-lag beating ritual (stay up late, and take a melatonin just before bed). So I've been completely zoning out around 4pm each day so far. The lectures don't end until 6pm so I'm not really paying any attention. Then of course, dinners are usually social affairs, and I'm just not my witty best, so I'm coming off like a dud and going to bed early. This kind of anti-social behavior is making me feel a little insecure and overall is making this conference pretty damn boring. The earlier lectures are fine and interesting and I try to contribute if I can, but after 4pm (7pm EST) I'm just no good anymore.

I miss my wife Chris too.


Christine said...

*tear rolling out of left eye*
I miss you too.

Tom said...

awww how cute :)