Sunday, January 08, 2006


I just came back from a showing of Syriana. It was very good, I strongly suggest you see it as well. I can't say that it taught me anything I didn't already know, but it did an excellent job of highlighting some of the sharpest points of the GlobalWarOnTerror/Oil/Capitalism/Beaurocracy/Culture nexus. Remember boys and girls, if the supply of a vital resource is in jeopardy, its price rises, they might even call it an "instability premium." Its just the same for oranges during hurricaine seasons as it is for oil from liberated countries. War makes things expensive, peace makes things cheaper.

My favorite quote from the movie, "A country that has 5% of the world's population and 50% of the world's military spending, is a country whose persuasive powers have declined." The implication I extracted from that statement is that such a country needs to be threatening, because it can no longer successfully negotiate fairly.

I should stop there before I get too fired up.


Anonymous said...

I really hope that when you shot the gun you held the butt of the gun at your crotch instead of your shoulder all the while yelling "Fuck yeah goose, can you feel that!" Please tell me that happened.

Casey said...

Oh ya. Of course I shot the gun that way, we all did. Why? How else would you do it?