Friday, December 01, 2006

Thesis Update

So I've basically finished all the draft stages of my thesis and now its on to the final edits. I sent out 8 copies of the beast to each of my various reviewers with instructions for them to get edits back to me before thanksgiving. I just got the first edited copy back last Monday, and no others since. I'm being told that they hope to finish by the end of next week. In the meantime, I've been incorporating the comments I did get.

I'm feeling really good about this body of work now, to the point I'm starting to take pride in myself for it. I really can't wait to defend.


Anonymous said...

What type of edits did you receive back? Simple grammar, structure, etc?

Casey said...

This particular editor was a scientist, so ya, there was some simple grammar, structure, and consistency suggestions, but also suggestions on sections and explanations that should be expanded, terms that should be altered, etc.

Anonymous said...

Would you expect to get any major content challanges in these edits? That's for later right?

I feel like Ben... having a 1 on 1 conversation via public blog. I dunno... for some reason my brain hurts...