Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey Bowl

The company I work for has a little annual tradition that takes place on this day, every year. I bring you, the Turkey Bowl. Its just a group of us that leaves work a little early and plays football for a couple hours at a local elementary school feild. I think this is the eigth year I've played. This event is literally the only time of year I play football and I get a little better each time I think. It is easily the most exercise I get in a given day each year, and like last year, I am expecting that Chris will have to physiclaly assist me in getting up from chairs all day tomorrow.

The highlights: It rained all day and that kept alot of people away, but we still had five hardcore people per team. I threw two touchdown passes and had one touchdown reception myself. Our team won 8 tds to 7. I'm a superstar.


Anonymous said...

Where is the video clip of your Touch Down celebration?

Anonymous said...

Come on you lazy ponce. Do SOMEthing...

Casey said...

So sorry!