Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Busy Weekend

Last weekend blew by for me as Chris and I were much more active than usual (correction, I was much more active than usual). A couple of weeks ago, we broke down and decided to pay for a membership to the Columbia Association pools. The town has several indoor and outdoor community pools scattered around, but access to them comes with a relatively steep price tag (I think each of us has to make some 15 visits before the membership seems worth the money). Anyway, we bought our passes and last Friday decided to try them out for the first time. We walked over to our local outdoor pool and were happy to learn that that night was to be the first of the summer with an extended hours schedule (open till 8 pm). On the downside, the place was friggin' mobbed with kids, upwards of 50 of them. We were a little intimidated but regardless, we slipped into one corner of the pool and marinated for a little while. Just as we were getting comfortable with the whole spastic scene. All the kids started getting out of the pool. Within five minutes the pool was empty but for Chris and I and one other adult. The kids were congregating behind the diving board in a tight cluster but not really doing anything yet, just screaming and laughing and wating... for something. Chris and I began to get fairly nervous at this spontaneous behavior. Kids are pretty normal when they are acting like a wild mob, but when the runts start organizing it is way creepier. We weren't too far away from the other dude in the pool so Chris asked him what all the organization was about. He told us that all the local swim teams were having a pep rally tonight, and almost on cue, the runts started chanting thier fight songs.

"Here We Go Light-ning, HERE WE GO!"

Chris and I's attitude suddenly turned a 180 from being totally freaked out to being highly amused.

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