Thursday, February 02, 2006


When I was a 17-years-old, my hearing was much better than it is now. I was also a new car driver. Sometimes, at the end of a long drive, after I'd pull up into the driveway or some parking space, I'd shut the car off and sit there for a while, just listening. The novelty has worn off a little, but I still try it from time to time.

Maybe it seems weird but I encourage you to try it sometime too. A car throws off so much white noise while you drive. You get used to it and it gets filtered out, but if you give yourself a second to remember what quiet sounds like right after shutting off the car, you'll notice a subtlely dramatic effect. Just turn off the car, and stay still. Don't let your clothes or your keys or anything make any noise.

The car starts to creak as it cools, a jet flies overhead with its bass hiss, nearby highways hum, a bird or two whistles some distance away. I think its a pretty nifty moment. Maybe this is part of why people say "I'm sensitive" ...that, or they think I'm a closet homosexual.


Anonymous said...

You mean some people still think you're in the closet?

Casey said...

hardy har har

Anonymous said...

I actually shut my headlights off while driving on pitchblack country roads. Only for a second though and on straight roads.
I know what you mean about the silence. I did that too, but then when I flashed my lights a homosexual would come over from the bushes.