Sunday, April 29, 2007

Idiocracy: for real for real

I first put the movie "Idiocracy" into my Netflix queue way back in September. Less than four weeks later, my friends all get back to me and start asking me what I thought of it. I'm all like, "Idiocracy, that's sounds familiar, why do you think I've seen it?" cuz like, I hadn't. Then I get all this heat about how I was the one who made such a big deal out of it they all put it right to the tippity top of there Netflix queue on my recommendation. For the record, I only recommended that ya'll add it to your queue, I said nothing about putting it to the top. For those of us with big queues (genetics) it apparently takes 7 months to see a movie that has been added, and that was even with some finagling to put it ahead in the line.

Anyway, I've finally seen it now, and it made me remember why the hell I was so excited to see it. It was awesome and even more entertaining than I expected. So, Joe, I seem to remember you saying you liked it too. And Spike you didn't like it? Anyway, I'm ready to have that conversation now, if anyone is still interested.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Action Figure: Boba Fett

Boba Fett.

Allow me to explain myself. I had a number of converging thoughts that all eventually polymerized into today's post. These thoughts were, in no specific order, i) I should post more often. I know, I say and think this alot, but it never gets less true despite how few posts I may actually write. Writing is good for me after all, and a post doesn't take long. ii) I admire the posting frequency of one of my favorite blogs, Pharyngula, where the author has a "Friday Cephalopod" posting every week. iii) I didn't communicate it to anyone at the time, but the results of a recent "determine which Star Wars character you are" test had nearly-mystical significance for me. You see, all through elementary school, when teachers would inevitably ask us who our heros were, I would always answer, "Boba Fett". Boba Fett wasn't the first action figure I ever owned, however he was the first one I ever wanted. The first four action figures I whined my mother into buying for me were only precursors to my ultimate goal, and that was to collect the UPCs needed to get Boba.

So with that, I bring you something I hope to be a new series, a regular weekly offering, the "Friday Action Figure".

As an afterthought, I'm tempted to get deeper into a self-analysis on this Boba Fett issue (that is, why I chose a villain as my most admired hero, or why I never reported either of my parents as my heros) but that might break my rule about only discussing the most vapid and shallow topics in this space. Whatever, to this day I still regard Boba Fett at least as a fond memory of childhood and deep-down I think I still pretend the character is a role model even though in reality I know my own principles are rather divergent from Boba's. Just now while writing this I've starting thinking , "gee, maybe it would be fun to start collecting the Boba Fett comic books".

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Cry for Help

It is Friday night and Chris is sadly again, out performing "Into the Woods" while I am left twiddling my thumbs wondering what to do with myself. I've written a few outlines for some stories I'd like to write so that might be a keen project. At the moment I'm amusing myself by typing this on my laptop from my hammock in the back yard while I soak in the fresh air of nature, all the while tethered to civilization via the ephemeral tendrils of 802.11g. However no matter what I can't really escape this feeling like I'd really rather be socializing on a weekend night. You know, like people do. So, at least until Chris is free to be me lovely companion on these weekeends again, would one of you all please for mercy's sake invite me out to dinner at your place or soemthing? I know I really ought to be more proactive about this and plan ahead, but for some reason I just haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet (and I am out of practice). Somehow I just alwast forget, week after week, that I'll be quite this bored come Friday night.

Man, have I been writing some great blog material lately or what? Don't you just love to hear me whine and moan like like a wet violin?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

I don't have anything to post that is particularly scary or bad-lucky as would be appropriate for this day. But then again, I'm only superstitious when it is convenient or fun so I think I'll just treat this like it were any other day.

So with that said, here's the new TV show I would like to host some day soon.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Into the Woods

Chris had her opening night performance of "Into the Woods" last Friday. Despite the blinding jabs of pain every deep breath would deliver, I soldiered on and attended anyway. She did a great job. My wife has the prettiest voice in the world. Seeing her perform makes all these lonely nights lately worth it. I'm also happy because I enjoy tradition, and thus far I have never missed one of my wife's opening nights. So, to any of you who read this blog but haven't yet picked a date to see Chris as Cinderella, send one of us an email to get reservation info.


So, a few of my work buddies decided to take me out to celebrate my recent successful thesis defense. It was just supposed to be a normal old happy hour at my favorite bar in town and then an early night to bed. Its funny how things can change though. I ended up finishing the night with three lap-dances, two brawls, and one cracked rib. Good times.