Friday, December 30, 2005


You know who I hate? I hate the team-killing fucktards in Battlefield II online, especially the ones who switch teams during a game.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Solstice

Last night was the longest of the year, so I hope you enjoyed it. The days only get longer from here, so enjoy that too.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Amanda the Houseguest

I had a houseguest the night before last and yesterday. I had first met Amanda when she was living upstairs from me. I was living in the first apartment I had ever rented with my girlfreind at the time time. Said girlfriend was the first to quickly notice that the two women who lived upstairs from us were probably lesbians (the pretty looks they gave my girlfriend were a good tip-off). Not long later, Amanda broke up with her girl and I broke up with mine and Amanda and I became fast friends and started spending alot of time together. Checking out (and hitting on) chicks with a good-looking lesbian is a ton of fun. I would go into some more stories along those lines, but this is a family blog. Let it suffice to say that we were pretty tight (get your mind out of the gutter, I said we were just friends already, ok?) Anyway, I eventually graduated college and left Maine and the phone numbers I had for Amada eventually became disconnected. I tired to find her through the net but she has a very common name and almost no presence on the web.

Then one day last summer she googled my easy-to-find name and found my contact info. She called up and the next thing ya know, she's coming by to visit for the night on her way out to her new life in Las Vegas. I had hoped she could stay longer, but she wanted to be sure she could make it to her relative's place in Las Vegas before Christmas.

So anyway, we didn't do much yesterday. We just looked through a bunch of each other's pictures, cooked some meals, chit chatted and ran some errands. Even still, it was great fun for me to see and old friend who helped shaped who I am today, at a pivotal point in my life.

Normally that would be the end of this post, but since I know your minds have not escaped the gutter, I might as well throw you a bone. Someone has figured out an eerily accurate way to determine how slutty you or someone you know is. Type in the name of some sluts or saints you know and check the results. Then go read the about link to see how they do it. I am apparently 2% slutty which puts me over my wife at 0.96%.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Football Sunday

I haven't been watching as much football this year as I have in past years. I think I've just been busier with yard work on Sundays recently. But then we had this early snowfall, and all of my 2005 plans for the yard and the house came to an abrupt end. So now I'm catching up on football instead. I've always been a Patriots fan in my heart so that has been rewarding for about five years now, but I got worried earlier this year when all those injuries were clearly affecting thier abiliity to win games. But now it seems like everything is on track again. They beat the Bucs last night and man, they did it with mojo.

The Ravens, unfortunately, can only dream of such a comeback. I moved to the mid-atlantic shortly before the Ravens won the superbowl, and I almost started to feel like it might be a better idea to be a real Ravens fan. You know, all the way, like when people ask me where I'm from, I'll start saying, "Maryland."

"Nevermore?" Fuck no, I'm a New Englandah. Live Free or Die muthafuckahs!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Oh ya

I remembered what else I was going to say about last night's Christmas party. I had a few drinks of course but my buzz veered to being contrary and depricating instead of goofy and loose. I always feel weird the morning after a night like that because I end up thinking, "oh shit, I hope I didn't piss anyone off." I mean, I enjoy being contrary and depricating when I'm sober too, its just that when I'm sober I have a better sense of when its funny to be that way and when its just offensive. Ascerbic humor is a fine line that must be walked carefully. As we all know, alcohol can make you feel like you are walking fine when you clearly aren't.

Christmas Party

I had two Christmas parties yesterday. The work christmas party was during the day, 1-5 pm ish, and the evening party was a regular cocktail party. I opted to go dressy to both. Its probably faggy for me to go on about how pleased I was with my new holly-and-jingle-bells-patterned, Jerry Garcia tie, but fuck it, it was a rockin tie.

Chris made some deserts that were so good I had to discourage people from eating them so I could ensure that we'd be taking some home; Apple Bavarian Tort and Caramel Fudge Brownies.

Crap, there was some other stuff I was going to say about all this but I've already forgotten... oh well, maybe it will come back to me later.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I really love the way the trees look when they have snow stuck to every branch. I really hate shoveling my driveway.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

New Template

Because my wife complained too much about the weird after image left in her vision with the last template. I hope you all like this look better too.

Auto Rad

I have to go into work sometime today to develop an autorad. This does not mean that I am devising a method to become automatically radical. "Auto Rad" is actually short for autoradiogram or autoradiograph. In any case, I've always wanted a polo shirt that said "autorad" on the part where the logo usually goes. Unfortunately, there is no company called "Auto Rad" from which I might be able to scam a promotional polo shirt. There is however a company called "BioRad" and I could easily get a polo from them. I will have to remember this next time I chat with a BioRad sales person.